I created my first blog in 2008 when I started my first employment in 2008. All the hip developers were having a blog, and it was right before the general public got into blogging. I used it for taking note of things I learned at work and documenting to myself in order to backtrack later.
A few years later in 2011 I decided to move away from Wordpress as a platform, and I needed an excuse to try out Azure and Orchard. I created litemedia.info and changed focus into blogging not only for my own use, but for others. That blog has about 100 daily visitor and my most read posts are
- Beginners guide to Pascal
- Dependency injection with Unity and XML configuration
- Transforming an App.config file
- Building composite applications in WPF
- Data driven test cases in NUnit
It is quite obvious that I have no idea when I write a post if it's going to be of value to others, or not. It seems that my most narrow and specialized posts are the ones that gets most page views.
I stopped blogging just about the same time as everyone else. I didn't feel I got enough value out of it, and couldn't fit it into my routine. The blog I had did not represent me anymore as I grew more mature in my role, I couldn't identify myself with what I've written in 2008. That is why I choose to discontinue litemedia.info and start over.
Tail Call Optimized will be a programming blog, with its roots in functional programming and testing. It will reflect the things I'm working on, my thoughts of coding as a craftsmanship and crazy technology spikes.
This blog is built with the following techs and its open sourced on github.