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Rock Paper Scissors

This time at sharpen your saw, I had prepared a server that would accept players, playing "Rock Paper Scissors" over TCP sockets. The task was to create a client that would play rock paper scissors and win as many of played matches as possible.

The most interesting thing for me was creating the server in a functional manner. F# makes this pretty nicely.

module RockPaperScissors.Server

open System.Net.Sockets open System.Net open Reporting

// constants

[<Literal>] let helloMessage = "hello, what is your name" [<Literal>] let letsPlayMessage = "let's play"

// utility functions let config = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings

// convert string to byte array // toBytes "hello" -> [|104uy; 101uy; 108uy; 108uy; 111uy|] let toBytes (s : string) = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s)

// convert byte array to string // toString [|104uy; 101uy; 108uy; 108uy; 111uy|] -> "hello" let toString b = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(b)

// WriteLine string and return it // printReturn "hello" -> "hello" let printReturn s = printf "> %s\n" s; s

// read message from socket let read client = // buffered read let rec read (buffer : byte[]) (client : Socket) = // fill buffer with data from network stream let readLength = client.Receive(buffer) // buffer was filled if readLength = buffer.Length then // convert buffer to string and add it with reading rest of string (buffer |> toString) + (read (Array.zeroCreate<byte> buffer.Length) client)

    // buffer was not filled, reached end of stream
        // return rest of buffer as string
        toString &lt;| buffer.[..readLength - 1]

// read message from socket with a buffer of 32 bytes
client |&gt; _read (Array.zeroCreate&lt;byte&gt; 32) |&gt; printReturn

// write message to socket let write message (client : Socket) = printf "< %s\n" message client.Send(message |> toBytes) |> ignore

// start game with two clients let gameProtocol (client1 : Socket) (client2 : Socket) = async { try try // handshake do client1 |> write helloMessage // hello let player1 = client1 |> read

            do client2 |&gt; write helloMessage // hello
            let player2 = client2 |&gt; read

            do client1 |&gt; write (sprintf &quot;opponent %s&quot; player2)
            do client2 |&gt; write (sprintf &quot;opponent %s&quot; player1)

            do client1 |&gt; write letsPlayMessage // let&#39;s play
            do client2 |&gt; write letsPlayMessage // let&#39;s play

            // play
            let move1 = client1 |&gt; read
            let move2 = client2 |&gt; read

            let winner =
                match move1, move2 with
                | &quot;rock&quot;, &quot;rock&quot;         -&gt; None
                | &quot;rock&quot;, &quot;scissors&quot;     -&gt; Some(player1)
                | &quot;rock&quot;, &quot;paper&quot;        -&gt; Some(player2)
                | &quot;scissors&quot;, &quot;rock&quot;     -&gt; Some(player2)
                | &quot;scissors&quot;, &quot;scissors&quot; -&gt; None
                | &quot;scissors&quot;, &quot;paper&quot;    -&gt; Some(player1)
                | &quot;paper&quot;, &quot;rock&quot;        -&gt; Some(player1)
                | &quot;paper&quot;, &quot;paper&quot;       -&gt; None
                | &quot;paper&quot;, &quot;scissors&quot;    -&gt; Some(player2)
                | x, y                   -&gt; failwith &quot;protocol failure&quot;

            // report who the winner is
            let winnerString =  if winner.IsSome then winner.Value else &quot;none&quot;
            do client1 |&gt; write (sprintf &quot;%s wins&quot; winnerString)
            do client2 |&gt; write (sprintf &quot;%s wins&quot; winnerString)

            // report to database
            let report = new dbSchema.ServiceTypes.Games(Player1 = player1, Player2 = player2, Winner = winnerString)
            Async.StartAsTask(Reporting.send(report)) |&gt; ignore

        | :? System.Net.Sockets.SocketException as e -&gt; printf &quot;%s\n&quot; e.Message


let acceptClient ip port = printf "%s:%d\n" ip port let server = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); let endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ip), port); server.Bind(endpoint) server.Listen(100) while true do printf "waiting for connections\n" let client1 = server.Accept() // wait printf "client connected\n" let client2 = server.Accept() // wait printf "client connected\n" Async.Start (gameProtocol client1 client2)

[<EntryPoint>] let main argv = acceptClient config."interface" 0 // return an integer exit code

I also created a client for testing the server. This is a naive solution and not to be considered production ready code.

class Program
/// <summary>
/// Read message from socket
/// </summary>
static string Read(Socket socket)
    var result = new List<byte>();
    var buffer = new byte[32];
    int i;
    while ((i = socket.Receive(buffer)) == buffer.Length)

return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(result.ToArray());


/// <summary> /// Write message to socket /// </summary> static void Write(Socket socket, string message) { socket.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message)); }

static void Play(string server, int port, string playerName) { var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

    var endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(server), port);


    Console.WriteLine(Read(socket)); // hello
    Write(socket, playerName);
    Console.WriteLine(Read(socket)); // opponent
    Console.WriteLine(Read(socket)); // let&#39;s play

    var options = new[] {&quot;rock&quot;, &quot;paper&quot;, &quot;scissors&quot;};
    var rand = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond).Next(options.Length);
    Write(socket, options[rand]);

    Console.WriteLine(Read(socket)); // .. wins
catch (SocketException e)


static void Main(string[] args) { var server = args[0]; var port = int.Parse(args[1]); var playerName = args[2];

while (true)
    Play(server, port, playerName);


This was the most high risk task I've done in sharpen your saw. The main risk was getting the server up an running on an unknown network. It took me 30 minutes after some port forwarding to get it reachable. The second risk was if unix machines would be able to talk to Windows machines over TCP sockets or if there would be a format issue. The NodeJS guys had no problem what so ever, but the Ruby crowd couldn't get it to work.

It was an interesting experiment!

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